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Varadero Valencia stands out again at the Trophy of Her Majesty The Queen

As is already a tradition, the last Friday of June begins a new edition of the Trophy of Her Majesty The Queen in waters of Valencia, and Varadero Valencia continues with its preferred sponsorship with the Valencia Varadero Class ORC 1, which this year will have 14 boats out of a total of 67 that will participate during the trophy.

Likewise, and as a complement to its outstanding presence during the racing days, Varadero Valencia has a stand as a meeting point in the Trophy village to offer all kinds of information to sailors and visitors about the products and services offered within its facilities, as well as the authorized specialists with whom it collaborates permanently to offer the best service of repair and maintenance on the Mediterranean coast. 

Located in the facilities of the Real Nautical Club of Valencia, Varadero Valencia offers all the refit and maintenance services for any kind of boat, although during the regatta, the most demanded services are the repairs to masts, hydraulic systems, ropes and rigging, as well as inspections of carbon spars and fittings.

This trophy is one of the most important in the Spanish nautical calendar, not only for the number of participating boats and their prestige, but also for the support of the Royal family year after year. Organized by the Real Nautical Club of Valencia and the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation, and sponsored by Varadero Valencia, the Trophy of H.M The Queen will pay homage like every year to the Spanish Navy with the XXXI Almirante Sánchez-Barcáiztegui Cup.

The solid path of Varadero Valencia has turned it into the reference point in the repair and maintenance of boats. And all this, is thanks to its professionalism and the wide portfolio of specialists who provide services in its facilities.

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  • Varadero Valencia stands out again at the Trophy of Her Majesty The Queen