Marina Ibiza is ready for any type of emergency
Last week Marina Ibiza carried out an emergency drill in its facilities. The simulation was taught by Repson together with Cancomar as part of their safety plan, with the aim of training their staff to be prepared for any type of emergency that may arise in the marina.
The training session to the Marina Ibiza staff consisted of a theoretical-practical course in which they carried out a succession of assumptions and emergency exercises. During the practical session, a fire drill was performed on a recreational boat after refueling at the marina’s gas station. In addition, an episode of pollution was simulated in which the appropriate means of combating pollution were deployed. And finally, a man-over-water exercise, was carried out with its subsequent rescue and evacuation in collaboration with the Red Cross.
Every year Marina Ibiza conducts training courses on safety and the environment for its workers as part of their safety plan since it’s of vital importance that a marina of this size with so much traffic during the high season is prepared for any type of eventuality. The main objetive of these courses is the training of the staff so that they have adequate practical knowledge to be able to face any emergency situation that may arise.
Marina Ibiza is a 5 stars marina and that means offering máximum quality in every way following the upgrading works year after year to improve both its services and facilities to ensure the satisfaction of its customers.