STP Shipyard Palma is committed to sustainability in its facilities
The shipyard of reference in Europe, based in Palma de Mallorca, STP Shipyard Palma, continues its commitment to sustainability in its facilities and among its many environmental measures, and has recently achieved the registration in the Carbon Footprint, compensation and CO2 absorption, a project promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
To calculate the Carbon Footprint, the shipyard has considered the consumption of fuel and electricity in all areas of work, whether in offices, maintenance, machinery, vehicles, etc., since the Carbon Footprint measurement comes from the sum of greenhouse gases which the company derives from its activities.
The aim of this environmental certification is to reduce consumption, and for that reason, once the value or quantity of greenhouse gases that the installation emits into the atmosphere is known, they must then propose an action plan to reduce those emissions and collaborate in the fight against climate change.
In the same theme of environmental care, STP Shipyard Palma, has a GREEN POINT inside the shipyard for waste management and proper recycling of waste material.This being one of the most important activities in the prevention of pollution to the environment. For this, the Shipyard is responsible for delivering to all customers bags of different colours to carry out the correct separation of the waste.
The Environment staff are responsible for the removal of the waste by depositing it in containers positioned throughout the technical area, then proceed to the separation of waste by type and classify them as paper, plastic, glass, Organic, absorbent contaminants, hazardous waste, etc. They are then delivered to an authorized manager for their treatment.
Likewise, in order to take full care of the natural environment of the shipyard, a manual is given to Captains and Companies, with standards with which they have to comply, seeking to respect the environment, which also includes recommendations regarding water and energy saving, as well as information on how best to protect nature. STP Shipyard Palma also performs water analysis in its water mirror to learn first-hand the quality of the water and reinforce, if necessary, measures to protect the environment.
Another of the standards at STP Shipyard Palma is that anyone that performs paint jobs with aerosols, sanding, sandblasting, and all maintenance work that may generate pollution, must install a protective tent with the correct properties to care of the environment.
In this sense, STP also has a drainage network, settling tanks, and a reception network for oil and black water, as well as anti-pollution barriers and absorbents to prevent contamination of the water in the event of a spillage. To collect spills the shipyard has a skimmer, a machine that allows to separate the oils from the water eliminating the contaminated material.
STP Shipyard Palma also has had for many years, the international certification ISO 14001 in environment, developing various actions focused on pollution prevention and environmental protection all led by the Department of Safety and Environment.